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Lovetober: Moon to Moon Challenge

October is awash with really fun internet challenges: 31 days of instagram prompts, 31 days of spooky illustrations, 31 days of witching--

All of which are wonderful, FUN, celebratory and delightful and you should absolutely do them. (My lady, Jessi Huntenburg has a really fun challenge rolling this month.) PLAY ON!

Can I be honest with you, Moon Baby?

I'm just not...there.


very tired.

Like, soul tired, you know?

And if you're exhausted too-

that's 100% okay and allowed.

Even during Halloween. Even during Samhain.

(You are still a witch, I promise.)

And despite a lack of desire to celebrate with 31 cat drawings or photographs of hot beverages, I still have a deep deep desire to make this blue moon month feel...potent.

As I looked out my window this morning, watching sparrows hop around in the rain, feasting on a freshly scattered birdseed breakfast, I pondered the world, chaos, isolation, what I have control of, the full moon...

"What would be healthy, life giving and meaningful for me to meditate on this month? What tonic, what inspiration does my soul really need right now? Does our soul need right now?"

I blurted it out loud immediately, "LOVE".
I said it again to no one. "Love. Full moon to full moon. Consciously commit totally-not-random acts of Love. Big ones. Small ones. Ones no one knows about. That's magick."
And a little flame did the hokey pokey in my heart:
It felt good, and true and doable. It didn't feel exhausting. It felt energizing.

And if it feels good, true and doable in your heart too, Moon Baby-

I invite you to join me.

LOVETOBER! (Clunky? Maybe. Probably. We're flying by the seat of our brooms and rolling with it! )

Let's make October a journey of weaving powerful Love magick.

A dedicated quest for Love magick from Full Moon to Full Moon.

Let's perform tiny miracles where we have the most power:

In our own lives, our own circles, our own communities.

Big ones. Little Ones. Ones no one knows about.

And perhaps take some comfort in knowing there are other witches and magick makers running around casting Love on their near-and-dears and communities too.

What would it be like if we focused our power on connecting, healing, uplifting the people and creatures in our immediate sphere of influence? In teeny tiny but ultimately powerful ways? Together?




companion animals,



work peers,

coven mates,

service providers,


What about self love? I get this question a lot.

Isn't self love important?

It is. Self Love, self respect, self preservation, whatever name you like to give it, is absolutely important.

Here's a fun magickal tip from my own experience:

Self love grows exponentially when it's engaged in loving actions.

Self Love sees itself and expands when we're dancing with Love.

Self Love has room to unpack and stay a while if there's room in our heart and head for it to exist--

and in my own experience, I find this happens more easily when I get my thoughts out of the way. (I.E. Get out of the Thought Swamp and Engage in Something.)

Sometimes that engagement is doing something for myself.

Sometimes that engagement is doing something for others.

Consciously choosing to help, delight, serve, share, or create can be a strong shot of magickal espresso straight to the spirit. [NEW SELF LOVE LEVEL: UNLOCKED! WOO HOO!]

Now, I confess this isn't a neat and tidy challenge with a numbered grid and a hashtag.

Your needs, gifts, inspirations and resources are unique.

Your magick is likely too bodaciously wild and precious for a check list.

How you choose to cast a love spell on your world is entirely up to you, Moon Baby.

  • Maybe 31 individual bite-sized love actions feels overwhelming- or maybe it energizes you!

  • You might wish to perform the same action 31 times.

  • You may wish to choose 1 love-fueled mission each week.

  • Maybe you'd like to focus your energy on one beautiful overflowing working for the entire month.

There's no wrong way to do it.

Excited but not sure how to start? You can find 60 ideas for creating love magick here.

What makes a little flame do a silly dance in your heart?

Pick that one.

Feed your heart.

Grow your magick.

Discover new meanings.

Soothe your Soul and Power Up all at once.

And if you feel this challenge-not-challenge isn't for you at this time,

That's alright too.

I'm sending you enormous slow waves of warm spicy love.

I hope this season is full of magick, mystery and delight for you.

And remember,

no matter how you choose to spend it--

You Are Powerful, Moon Baby.

From full moon to full moon,

a quest begins...

Witch on,

Witch Boldly,

and BE WELL.

Molly is a witch, artist, teacher and author on a quest to help witches unlock their creative dreams and live their most magickal life.

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Oct 01, 2020

Yes. All-over-yes to Lovetober (not clunky) ❤🎃 I need this. Others need this. I'm throwing on my imaginary heartshapped, shimmery red crushed velvet cape and readying myself and my glitter for moon to moon spining love dervishes ❤ thank you Molly for this and your 60 ideas to get us started! Happy Lovetober to one and all! 💖

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